Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Sick of Ass Rash?

I'm so tired.

Took a cab to school this morning because I woke up late. Whether was fine, which was bad for me. Why doesn't it rain when you want it to rain? I guess that's heaven's way of screwing with your head.

I'm still sick. I swear i've never used so much tissue in a time-frame of two days. I used up all of Bernard's tissues, as well as tissue packets from an assortment of people. Really have to give props to them. If it wasn't for the chemistry test, I wouldn't have come. I'd intended to go home during recess once again, but couldn't be bothered. So, ya, I sneezed all throughout the day.

Lessons ended at 12.25. Had nowhere to go since all the Chinese dude had remedial. I honestly pity them. 3 periods of MT on Thursdays AND Fridays. Must be one helluva pain in the ass. So, I tagged along with Ringo, TYS, Tetsu, Fish, Afro and BioTan to their Biology Competition at Ngee Ann Poly.

Ngee Ann Poly is bloody big. And the atmosphere is so different from Sec School. I don't think I'm cut out for Poly, looking at the students at NAP. They're LIKE so relaxed lah. I can't thrive in that kind of learning environmnet, so yeah, no Poly for me. Besides, picking out clothes every morning seems like one helluva pain in the ass.

So, BioTan and her band of biologist had a presentation on Aloe-Vera=Essence coated diapers. It was pretty nifty, and their presentation was good. But it wasn't just a presentation. It was an EXHIBITION, with posters and all....and they had none. Haha. So we rushed to get the stall set up, raiding the local bookshop. The stall turned out good, considering the time we had.

Watching the other schools present was fun. They put in so much effort memorising their scripts, only to end up forgetting their lines and make major mistakes when the judges threw in questions from out of the field. Noobs.

Went to a nearby McDs after that. Just crapped around. My surname, Lagdameo had officially been chink-ed to La De Mei Yo which means something like "No Pull" or "Pull Nothing" i think. So, whenever you see someone pulling a door which says "push", say "LA DE MEI YO".

Afro showed off new talents. He shoved his fist into his mouth! Cool. Just imagine, if you go to bed hungry, your subconcious will try eating your fist, and you'll wake up in heaven because you choked on your own damn first. Must be one helluva pain in the ass.

On a sidenote, i've got a new bag courtesy of Ngee Ann Poly. It's a mat bag too. Lol. Ngee Ann Poly trying to be trendy and hip and up to date.

And stupidity ensued. Took bus number 240 as usual. The same bus i took in the morning.

PS; bus 240=Taxi. $2.40 is the beginning taxi fare.


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