Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Monday, March 06, 2006

"Dead like the air beteween your ass and underwear when you're sitting down."

Life's full of surprises. Like, one minute you're in shit, up to your waist, and the next, you're swimming in panties and brassiere, with a pretty lady chained to your ankles. But surprise, surprise, you're still gonna drown, eventually.

Monday's are always weird. For one thing, Ryan's still sick, and he's absent for today and tomorrow. It's been one month, damnit. He's infected practically the whole class, at least those around our area. Nern didn't come, presumably because of Ryan. Anyway, Choo Jia Han came today wearing "mat" specs. Doesn't suit him lah. You know "mat" specs...those with fucking thick frames coloured either black or white. Jia Han got the white one...and worse of all...it has orange coloured tiles stuck to the side, making it look like he's got a mosiac at the side of his head. It doesn't look good when he wears it, but when I wear it, it fucken sparkles. Whatever lah, everything does. Haha, jk lah Jia Han. Just some constructive criticism on my part.

We had English first thing in the morning. Mdm Yani came. Yay-ness. Had a surprise english composition on information report. I'm suppose to write a letter to my principal, pleading that he welcomes me back to school, after being suspended for rioting. Gosh, i think i screwed up. Firstly, there was no proper introduction. Next, I totally messed up on the sequence of events. And lastly, I think i sugar-coated it too much. Hopefully, it's worth an 18+.

Physics, TAF, Geography, A-maths then SS. I hope the change the time-table next term. A change in routine does our body good. I have mixed feelings about my A-maths teacher. She seems like a jolly lady most of the times, willing to joke and stuff, but you know everybody's got a facade. She can just, i dunno, change into Super Laila and pounce on you, faster than you can say "I'm innocent". There was a case of miscommunication regarding our A-maths homework..and well...don't want to elaborate on it too much lah. SS was free. Did a bit of the e-maths peer tutoring. You know those questions...on finding the angles...it's actually the value of angles...but i've to restrain myself from just drawing arrows and writing "There. Angle ABC, Found. Happy?".

Assembly was a blast. Thoroughly inspiration. Long story short, what I learned was that potatoes can be pierced with a straw. Go to your fridge and take a potato (po-tay-toe or po-tah-toe, same difference) and take a straw. Concentrate hard, picture the straw going through the potato, and pierce through the core of the wretched vegetable. Basically, said Coach Berry, there are dreams. Some dreams are physically impossible, and some are perceived as impossible. He demonstrated the latter with the potato (it's gotta make one helluva nifty party trick), and the former with me. What he did was made me jump and touch an exit sign at one of the entrances of the hall. nabei, in front of all the sec 3s and sec 4s. What the fuck man...well...he gave me THE look (the one old people use when you're seating on the bus and they're standing), so by basic instinct, I stood up and did as I was told. I was able to touch the exit sign. Then, he made me reach for the light above the exit sign. It's roughly 3m lah...and I couldn't fucken reach it! Paiseh lah of course. What the heck, I got a sweet, so it's all good.

Ate at the new so-called "Western Food Stall". It seems like any stall, as long as it sells fried stuff, doesn't sell noodles, curry, mutton or pork, qualifies to be a western stall nowadays. The food was horried. Beans+garlic bread+3 miserable pieces of chicken meat= a buck. eighty. Not worth it. Went to see Mdm Yani with Ringo after that. Deprovement in temrs of my compo marks. 19. Whattheshit. Must strive to be better. I've progressed to argumentative. I can't let myself do badly for that one. My debater's pride is at stake. Having Mdm Yani mark my script on the spot makes me jumpy. You know, because she's reading it, then her expression suddenly changes, and she looks like she's about to say something bad, then she holds herself back, smiles, and then you're cooled by a sweat of relief, then she jumps at you for a lack of continuity in your composition.

Speaking of debate, because of erroer OMC3-S11, i failed to send my debate speech to Jon last night. Please rest assured however, that i've already done so. Here's to an epic victory by QTSS and RRJ.

I'm rereading Vernon God Little. Freaking awesome stuff. WIll post a review someday. It's my absolute favourite book. I wanted to review this, for my book review about a month ago, but i found it unsuitable for most of the school's population. It's fucken epic, and ever-so quotable .

"I crane my nostrils for any vague comfort; a whiff of warm toast, a spearmint breath. But all I whiff, over the sweat and the barbecue sauce, is school - the kind of pulse bullyboys give off when they spot a quiet one, a wordsmith, in a corner. The scent of lumber being cut for a fucken cross. Mine"

So ironic, and angsty. I like.


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