Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Feeling real good right now.

This week's been hell, and it finally ended with today. Got debate lah, then got book sharing lah, thist test lah and that test lah and shit-load of homeworrhhx to do.

Anyway, finally did the book-sharing today! Kick-ass man. I'd to go up to the stage and basically reccomend a book to the school. I was up til 2.30 the previous night just perfecting my "performance". I was a nervous wreck. I've been on stage many times, but that's for drama, and on drama, you know that you've got your fellow actors there for you, but doing a speech in front of a whole school is a one-man thing. You've got to deliver a proper review, yet engage them at the same time. Delicate balance, right there. When I finally got up on stage, i seriously freaking froze. Blur. Gabra. If not for my script i concealed behind the book I was sharing, i would have peed myself. It went fine, but i was shaking all over. DId the usual lah, told a lame joke here and there. Surprising was the fact some actually laughed. I was like "Buy it, borrow it or steal it. Just read it. *insert 5 second pause* Just kidding" Lol. It's such a relief to have finally done it once and for all.

Day proceeded per normal. O-level results were out, but I couldn't really watch the drama unfold in the hall because i had more important matters to attend to; debate. This was honestly the first time I felt like we had a huge chance of winning. We started early, put in loads of effort, and pulled it off spectacularly. Jeremy was so kick-ass. He basically owned the WHOLE debate. Everything the prop threw at us;, he just swatted them outta the way. Ringo and I can still use some work though, especially on our rebuttals .I've the tendency to blank-out when it's my turn to speech and panic.

Going off to watch kamen rider kabuto now. Buiaz.


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