My Finale
Tomorrow's the big day. It's us against Bukit View; the pinaccle of the Julia Gabriel's Competition. 6 matches over the course of 3 months; it all climaxes tomorrow. Witness the pinaccle of C-division debating.
God, I'm tense. It's finally here, I guess. Both teams have their sight on the 1st place, but only one can rightfully claim it. I can't say a thing about Bukit View, but we've worked pretty damn hard for this competition and I feel that we deserved the title already. Glory to the Queendom, damn it.
Today was good, although I can't recall much that transpired. My mind's on the showdown at SRJC tomorrow. We had a Geography test. It was pretty simple but some facts just slipped out of mind. I'm growing to love my MLB class. It's like a mid-morning nap for me. I did my malay work, e-maths work and debate stuff for one period before moving on to my drug; sleeping. Slept for 2 periods straight; you can't imagine what good it will do for you.
We've been going through A-maths TYS for the past few days, and it's all coming back to me. Formulas and stuff. Best way to prepare for maths is through practice. The a-maths textbook is useless; so you can effectively dispose of that. Get a Guidebook. It's much more efficient and to-the-point. Binomial's a pain in the ass though; but that's proably because we studied it durign the December holidays, and my brain was on a temporary holiday back then.
Shot some crazy-ass videos after school as usual. The domino effect; watch out for that shit.
We had drama, but I wasn't into it. Debate was my utmost concern, and rightfully so nigga. I'll be logging off now. I've got a debate to win.
God, I'm tense. It's finally here, I guess. Both teams have their sight on the 1st place, but only one can rightfully claim it. I can't say a thing about Bukit View, but we've worked pretty damn hard for this competition and I feel that we deserved the title already. Glory to the Queendom, damn it.
Today was good, although I can't recall much that transpired. My mind's on the showdown at SRJC tomorrow. We had a Geography test. It was pretty simple but some facts just slipped out of mind. I'm growing to love my MLB class. It's like a mid-morning nap for me. I did my malay work, e-maths work and debate stuff for one period before moving on to my drug; sleeping. Slept for 2 periods straight; you can't imagine what good it will do for you.
We've been going through A-maths TYS for the past few days, and it's all coming back to me. Formulas and stuff. Best way to prepare for maths is through practice. The a-maths textbook is useless; so you can effectively dispose of that. Get a Guidebook. It's much more efficient and to-the-point. Binomial's a pain in the ass though; but that's proably because we studied it durign the December holidays, and my brain was on a temporary holiday back then.
Shot some crazy-ass videos after school as usual. The domino effect; watch out for that shit.
We had drama, but I wasn't into it. Debate was my utmost concern, and rightfully so nigga. I'll be logging off now. I've got a debate to win.
Good work.
James, at 1:20 AM
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