Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Them Pimples keeping me from Pimping

Recently, two pimples have taken prime spots in my life.


I'm not going into the specifics of one of them, because it's traumatizing, but the other one's at that place just above my upper-lip; the place where your mustache (or whiskers, as I like to call it for girls. I love whiskers <3)>

Thank god it's gone now.

I was tempted to do a Day-in-the-life-of-Raymond-Angelo today, based on yesterday, which was awfully fun, but I must live up to my promise of a reflection on the terms.

I went in aiming for 2As and 2Bs; As for arts and Bs for science. My optimism gets the better of me sometimes.

Let's start with GP!

Loved it. It was the most fun paper, though I'm not entirely sure why. The passages talked of mass media, and being a mass man. I don't think I'm a mass man :\. So anyways, the questions required some thinking, but the summary was a breeze. They had us summarise two paragraphs only! I did my drafts; 80 words, when the limit was 120. I said to myself, "I don't need no draft", and I began writing my proper one in reckless abandon.

"I have 40 words to spare, so I'm sure no matter how I extend, I'll be within the limit," And BAM (!) I wrote 150 words which proved to be the biggest headache.

AQ was ok; I was supposed to write 3 points, but I only had time for 2, which is still OK I guess, since one agreed, and one did not agree, but there was still a distinct point of view, I feel.


Econs never did require much studying, I feel. So I went in, and "just whacked". The DRQ was a blast to do. I'm a closet video-game nerd (I just came out of the closet!), so I could have done the questions without referring to the Data given. I loved my suggestions on how to sustain a video game company, though I didn't pen down my favourite idea (free subscription to Playboy with every purchase of the PS3!~). The descriptive of the graph had me kicking myself in the back; I didn't read the question properly.

I hated my essay, even though I know I wrote in the correct stuff. It felt like I was just writing down what I remembered from the notes, instead of really analysing anything.

Oh wells. I just supplied them what was demanded. Gah.

There was no Maths paper.

I don't remember taking any Maths paper. Do you? Nope. Neither do I. Moving on!

Malay B!

Imagine nap time in a kindergarten and you'll get the most succinct image of the B-syllabus room in your mind. It's not do-or-die, it's do-or-sleep, and most of the time we're sleeping. Ahh...good times. One guy tried to bring in a Rubik's Cube, which is totally awesome, but it got confiscated. Dang!!!

Geography sucked.

I got the definition of "transnational" wrong. It either meant within the national boundaries, or without. I thought it was within. The question went: to what extent did transnational movement affect the population distribution in Australia (coastal areas highly populated).

I said...transnational movement played a minimal role; aborigines numbered little, and they did not wish to move away from their traditional life. It was, IN FACT, the migration of people, from other countries, to the coasts of Australia, and then they settled there.

But the shyte, that is transnational movement! Dang! I was feeling so smart as I was writing it too, like there was a stadium clapping for me at the background or something.

I may have screwed up a question regarding consequences of internal migration. Who knew there was such a thing as positive consequences? Cant' they just call 'em benefits? "All I know is that when someone says "Face the consequences", I quake in fear. Nobody looks forward to consequences.


There was no maths, but there was physics. The paper was do-able, though I think I'm going to have my ass royally handed to me in the last question involving circular motion. That was teh shyte!

Your centripetal force keeps me in your orbit; I'm spinning out of control.


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