Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Apologies for the vulgarities of the previous post.

I'm just very stressed and pissed off right now. I get that alot, but it's supposed to be Christmas. Christmas was supposed to be a time of joy, I thought. The fact that I'm not feeling that way just exacerbates everything else.

The problem I'm facing is the formatting of the dang thing. Microsoft Word...maybe the older version has severe problems. It's just...so infuriating! I'm taking a break to beat off some stress...Guitar Hero or something. I've got to finish it by today because seriously, I've got no time. Look at it this way:

I have filming tomorrow, camp the next three days, then I'll have 30th, 31st and 1st. I have to give a briefing on the Orientation programme on the 29th...I've settled the programme, but now, I've to fill in all the damn nitty-gritty details, which, I hope, will make thing event run more smoothly.

I'm just bitching here, don't mind me.


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