Random Crack
The main story concerning Adam is traditionally regarded as extremely important, religiously. This recounts how Adam and Eve are placed in the Garden of Eden, and allowed to cultivate, and enjoy, its fruit, as well as to live innocently. However, there was one tree they were explicitly forbidden from eating - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - a tree which is otherwise unidentified, but it has usually been interpreted as a fig, apple, or pomegranate tree. The Torah then records that a serpent, a creature described by the Torah as at that point having legs, approached Adam and Eve and deceived Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, saying you won't die. Adam also eats.
Let's look at it this way.
Forbidden Fruit=Sex
We've all known that sex is a taboo right? God forbid Adam and Eve from having sex, since sex is in a way, an ambigious issue. It can be viewed as hallow and beautiful, or degrading and dirty. So, god didn't want Adam and Eve to be exposed to sex, as this would remove their "innocence", (as well as Eve's virginity). The tree represents the bearing of "fruit"/child during inter-course. The snake, represents the male's privates, which in today's context is also called the "One-eyed Trouser Snake". The snake told Eve that by eating the "fruit", they would live forever. Which is true, since by having sex/reproducing, you are ensuring the survival of your own kind.
Interesting, what absurd doses of Coke Light can do to you.
^now that was random^
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