Remember Edsa
Today's Edsa Day in the Philippines. Well, not today acutually, it's more of a 3-day thing. Anyway, EDSA is the main road of the capital of the Philippines and it stands for Epifanio De los Santos Avenue. About 20 years ago, a peaceful rally, known as The EDSA Revolution or The People Power Revolution was held on this road and it actually toppled the Marcos Regime, freeing the country from it's communist reign and back into democracy. More than 3 million gathered at EDSA in a peaceful rally, my father included. This is the power of the Pinoy.
My tribute to Edsa...pinoys rock. Anyway, I was supposed to have two test today, but i ended up having just one, because Ms Chua likes postponing the geog tests. The a-maths test was quite simple but two careless mistakes stabbed me in the back.
case #1:
difn e^3(something)
i did: 3e^2 (you have to bring down the power, then minus 1)
then i remembered mdm nur laila scolding me the other day , so i changed to : 3e^3 because you're not supposed to minus 1 for exponentials. I wanted to make her proud lha. BUT I WILL STILL GET OWNED!! You see right, 3e^2 does NOT have an x, so i cannot differentiate at all. Raymond gets owned all over again.
case #2:
(i can't remeber the numbers, so i'll let them be a,b and c)
ln a= ln b/ ln c
what you're supposed to do:
what i did:
ln a= ln b-ln c
nabei...then wrong. I did it the correct way at first, but i thought to myself, it can't be that simple. So i changed it. Cheesepie.
I feel so stupid. We were supposed to go for our personality-course or something like that. But we skipped it for debate. Jon, our trainer came and we pretty much setteled everything. I'm sitting this one out. The team is Raied, Ringo, Jeremy, in order of apperance. Our arguements sound solid, so far. Hopefully, we win, so that we automatically qualify for the next round and so that we can mess around in the next debate.
I got back the results from my personality test in the form of a booklet. I was bowled over by its accuracy. Things like "does things by the book", "sensitive if others are sensitive of his work", works hard to meet standards", "put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his own needs" and "is able to lead but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first" are all so damn true. Two statements which are so damn right are "bears grudges" and "may be overly sensitive and perhaps doesn't handle crituqe well". Wah, so much truth in a booklet. However, let's not let this direct our lives. All my recommended jobs were crap. This are some of the "better" ones.
-food tester
-laboratary tester aka lab-rat
-14 kinds of assembler
-5 kinds of bakers
3 kinds of busdriver
-cheese maker (WTF?)
-construction worker
-6 kinds of cooks
-hose maker
-paper cutter
salad maker
-other crap jobs
WAHHHHHH!!!!! I don't know where to hide my face man. What happened to my dreams of becoming a manager/actor/famous person? Cheesepie.
I'm slacking today. No tests. No homework. First time in this week.
Clarification: The badge i mentioned yestereday meant that i got top 50, out of 1000 (since about 250 ran in the competitive race). Top 50 among all the non-competitive. shiokh.
My tribute to Edsa...pinoys rock. Anyway, I was supposed to have two test today, but i ended up having just one, because Ms Chua likes postponing the geog tests. The a-maths test was quite simple but two careless mistakes stabbed me in the back.
case #1:
difn e^3(something)
i did: 3e^2 (you have to bring down the power, then minus 1)
then i remembered mdm nur laila scolding me the other day , so i changed to : 3e^3 because you're not supposed to minus 1 for exponentials. I wanted to make her proud lha. BUT I WILL STILL GET OWNED!! You see right, 3e^2 does NOT have an x, so i cannot differentiate at all. Raymond gets owned all over again.
case #2:
(i can't remeber the numbers, so i'll let them be a,b and c)
ln a= ln b/ ln c
what you're supposed to do:
what i did:
ln a= ln b-ln c
nabei...then wrong. I did it the correct way at first, but i thought to myself, it can't be that simple. So i changed it. Cheesepie.
I feel so stupid. We were supposed to go for our personality-course or something like that. But we skipped it for debate. Jon, our trainer came and we pretty much setteled everything. I'm sitting this one out. The team is Raied, Ringo, Jeremy, in order of apperance. Our arguements sound solid, so far. Hopefully, we win, so that we automatically qualify for the next round and so that we can mess around in the next debate.
I got back the results from my personality test in the form of a booklet. I was bowled over by its accuracy. Things like "does things by the book", "sensitive if others are sensitive of his work", works hard to meet standards", "put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his own needs" and "is able to lead but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first" are all so damn true. Two statements which are so damn right are "bears grudges" and "may be overly sensitive and perhaps doesn't handle crituqe well". Wah, so much truth in a booklet. However, let's not let this direct our lives. All my recommended jobs were crap. This are some of the "better" ones.
-food tester
-laboratary tester aka lab-rat
-14 kinds of assembler
-5 kinds of bakers
3 kinds of busdriver
-cheese maker (WTF?)
-construction worker
-6 kinds of cooks
-hose maker
-paper cutter
salad maker
-other crap jobs
WAHHHHHH!!!!! I don't know where to hide my face man. What happened to my dreams of becoming a manager/actor/famous person? Cheesepie.
I'm slacking today. No tests. No homework. First time in this week.
Clarification: The badge i mentioned yestereday meant that i got top 50, out of 1000 (since about 250 ran in the competitive race). Top 50 among all the non-competitive. shiokh.
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Anonymous, at 8:03 AM
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