Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

16 Learnings

My birthday was yesterday. Thanks everyone for your presents, greetings and SMS-es, although I wasn't able to reply to all of them. I really appreciate everything.

I didn't get to post yesterday! I'm tempted to apologise, but i'm not that egotesticle....you'll understand why....in this post.

16 years....gosh it's been quite a journey, getting to this stage of my life. Have I learned anything? Yeah, I have. Have I changed? Sure as hell I have. For the better? Don't ask me. There's been times i've stumbled, but I'm here aren't I? You judge me. I'm learned stuff, and in this post, I hope to share them with you. 16 of them, for 16 years of stupidity, dumbassness, mistakes and wisdom.

"16 Learnings"

Number 1: Never apologise for not posting.
I'm guilty of this, and I'm truly sorry for that. You see, unless you're super popular, not many people read your blog. Apologising, makes you appear deluded, like you're under the illusion that you're hyper-popular, but in reality, nobody is. That's at the otherside of the blogosphere. Especially never say sorry, blablabla, got some work to do. Well, duh, what else is new? Of course your flooded with work. We're in Singapore. Hello?

Number 2: Nobody likes a whiny bitch.
Nobody likes someone who only complains. Seriously. If you're not planning to do anything about it, then shut the hell up. Like...for example, people whine like "I suck lah...blablablabla...i bitch lah blablabla". But do they do anything about it? NO! Because we ALL know that talking is the best course of action to any problem. Jeez. If you know you suck, then probably, everybody else does. You're just stating the obvious. What you've got to do, is to DO SOMETHING.

Number 3: When you're trying to make a point, it's best to do it with faultless grammar and zero errors.
This applies especially to blogs especially. Yes, we know you're trying to say something...but if we don't understand it, or if it's in broken english, nobody's going to take you seriously. Style over substance, heard of it before? It's a true statement. As long as you sound smart, people'll think you are.

Number 4: Everybody's a critic. Live with it.
You can't satisfy everyone. Somewhere out there, out of the billions, there's somebody who's not happy with you, or the way you're doing things. Also, you've got to expect criticism, as a human being. You're a walking, talking, living person. There are people who observe what you do. It's unavoidable, unless you shut yourself in you're room all day. So yeah, thus, there'll be people judging you, for every single action. What to do? Nothing lah. Just live your life.

Number 5: Alone time is good for you.
Wanting to be alone is not a sign of loner-ism. Being alone is theraputic sometimes, dig? When the world's spinning out of your control, out of your beat, the only thing that you've got command over is yourself. So what to do? Be by yourself, be insignificant, knowing that your actions won't affect anyone else's life.

Number 6: There's someone more powerful than you.
We all know that there's someone in a higher position that us. For some it's their parents, for some, their peers. There will always be someone who is more influential, more powerful than us, and sometimes, fighting against this higher order of power is pointless. Live with it, and go with the flow.

Number 7: Everything tastes good when you're hungry.
Very true statement. Don't try to judge anyone's cooking or a certain restaurant's menu on an empty stomach, because you're hunger will delude you, into thinking that it's good.

Number 8: Never speak sentences when you can shorten it to a few words.
When trying to make a point, it's sometimes best to just say, get to the point and say it. It just has more impact. For example...writing "I hate you" can be simplified to just two words; Fuck you.

Number 9: You can never out-talk girls.
Girls are more social creatures than guys, and they love talking. That's how they function. I'm not being sexist or anything, just stating the facts. So, if you're trying to argue with them, my piece of advice is DON'T. You'll lose. Even if they're on the losing side, they'll keep talking. That's how they win; by outlasting you. That has happened to me before, and not once after that did I try again.

Number 10: Your actions are open for interpretation.
Nothing's ever cast in stone. Whatever you do or say, or even whatever you don't do or don't say (your silence) are laid out in the open, for anyone to read. So, be careful of what you do. Even if you're trying to give out a positive message, people's notions can twist it into something more vile. Trust me.

Number 11: Trust the wisdom of crowds.
Whenever faced with a choice, and you've got no idea what to choose, go with the majority. It might seem like an influenced decision, but well it is. It's simply easier because if the crowd's choice is the wrong one, well, you're not the only one who made the wrong choice.

Number 12: Empty promises are a waste of breath.
Don't bother to make empty promises. Just don't bother. It wastes time, and you give yourself and others false hope that you're going to change for the better, when in actual fact you're in deeper shit that you make yourself out to be.

Number 13: Never try to control anything you can't.
You know in blogs right...when someone makes a post...and then those pissed off by the post tags, then the dude who owns the blog bitches about people invading his tagboard. That's a perfect example of trying to control something you can't. Tagboards are there to be posted at by anyone. If you don't want invaders, then don't put one on your blog. Something, like who reads what, and how someone reacts to what, are beyond our control, and the only thing we can do, is to not do anything.

Number 14: Whatever you do now, will come back to you in the future.
Whatever you say, will be held agains you. Whatever you do, will be saved up in a cabinet called "Bullshit" in somebody's mind, ammunitition to throw at you whenever you do something bad. In the future, if you ever get a girlfriend, try not to let her on on any bad thing you do. MOre often that not, they'll remember it and use it agains you in the future.

Number 15: Don't let "yourself" imprison you.
Ever heard of the phrase "Be yourself"? Well that's bullshit. Especially when other people say it to you. I mean who the hell are they to even know who "yourself" is? THere is no fixed "yourself". It's up to you to define who "yourself" is. If you feel like something which goes against your personality, then all the more go for it. Break the stereotype.

Number 16: Everything revolves around you.
It's easier to think this way, that everything revolves around you; that you're the centre of the universe. It makes so many of lives question easier to answer. Like, "Why were blogs invented?", "To let me create my blog". See? Doesn't it feel good? You're the centre of the universe.


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