Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Rebirth: An Aftermath of Death

I'm feeling so much better right now. Took my temperature this morning. It had dropped to below 38! Yay! It continued to plummet, and it's at an all-time low now, 36.8. That means i'll be seeing yous in school tomorrow... Who am I kidding? Even if I had a knife stuck to my prostate, i'll still drag myself to school.

Firstly, we'll be getting back our PPRs. Yes, they will ultimately be meaningless this coming November, but for now, these marks are really the only gauge we have at the moment. Its' a reflection of what you've been doing so far, and serves as a wake-up call cum kick-in-the-ass. People say that the PPR is not important, but it is. It shows where you're lacking and just tells us how much we really suck; how lofty our dreams are.

Next, the debate against Yuan Ching is tomorrow. I'm excited. I found out some astonishing stuff agains this school, but I shan't divulge it in this blog; for fear of getting backlash from said school. I've learned my lesson from the previous debate: Never ever give a rat's ass about the opposing team, because whatever you say can and will be used against you, no matter how innocent you are. The qualifying teams will be announced on 10.15, that night itself. Wooo....it's gonna be one hell of a ride.

There's also the physics test tomorrow. On electricity. It's just application of the formulas though. However, Physics tests have a habit of using simplistic and easy-to-grasp questions to craft the most devilish questions. They're irritating and have caused heart-failures in parts of Bangladesh.

One problem still persists. I can't turn my freaking neck. Whenever I do, I feel this sharp pain, similar to being struck by a perversely-humongous hammer flat in the face. I have no idea what i'm supposed to do about it, but it's a pain in the neck, literally.

So, yeah, I'm right as rain. For now, anyway. I still have fits of coughing now and again, but then again, they're now and again. Dig?


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