Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dye your hands red for the Revolution has begun.

Oh my god.

I just slept the day away. One of the things I can't stand is sleeping in the afternoon, especially on the school day. Just think, you're already spending half the damn day away from home, and you go home, and you just sleep. There's so many other things to be done. Haiz. This means...more coffee. The instant-kind which are not really instant because you still have to wait two minutes.

My day started off good. I woke up, drank my usual glass of milk (to become taller) and nearly spat it out. I was watching TFC (The Filipino Channel, on StarHub Cable 98), and the foremost Filipino morning show was on, called "Magandang Umaga Filipinas" (Good Morning Philipinnes). As you all know, Philipinnes is a deeply Catholic country, and it's to be expected that a movie like The Da Vinci Code will cause a whole lot of hoo-ha down there. So they were running segments on it, about how some malls have pledged not to show it and stuff, and you wouldn't believe it but THROUGHOUT the whole segment, they spelled "Da Vinci Code" as "THE VINCI CODE". LOL. You try to sound smart, but in the end, stupid is what stupid does.

Anyway, on the topic of The Vinci Code, I'm not getting all the commotion and waves this movie has been setting, because seriously, nobody's going to take it seriously. Most of us have read the book, and do you see us turning all un-religious (If we already aren't)? With all the publicity the movie's getting, all the media coverage on how the movie's full of shit and the debates on The Vinci's sexuality, we all know that the movie is feeding us theories of a single man, nothing concrete. With all the contreversy, everyone's expecting the movie to be good, but I'll be the first one to bet that the movie will score big in the box office, despite having negative reviws. It's opening on the same date as "Over The Hedge", and honestly, I'd prefer to watch that (Join the contest; Is RJ a raccoon, cocoon, baboon or cookie? Oh the HUGE MANATEE!). The Vinci Code is going to suck, because the only thing the book had going for it was it's revalations. And seeing as how most people have already read the book, the movie's got nothing new to offer. Was there any jaw-dropping action set-pieces in the book? Nope. Climax? Nope. And Tom Hanks doesn't fit the role of Langdon; since I was expection someone more erudite. And the posters are ugly too..."Woohoo, it's the last supper, Tom Hanks, the guy who played Magneto, and 2 other nobodies" and "Woohoo, it's Mona Lisa and it's become a Puzzle)

There were rumors of 48 whopping cookies being given out today since there was a 12 day blank durign the exam period but nope, didn't happen. I got my ass served by Mdm Teow, since I didn't erase my answers properly in the OTAS. Serves me right I guess, since there's no way I'm going to fly off to England, and ask the markers to mark manually. Haiz. I'll just promise not to do it again, and move on I guess.

We recieved our English Paper 1s first thing in the morning. I had to borrow an OHP from one of the secondary 1 classes, and people were still asking me for cookies. It's cute lah, but move on people, since I've retired. I just averaged for the paper lah, which was something I had expected. 19/20, no that's not 19 upon 20 but 19/30 for section 1 and 20/30 for section 2. Not my best. Lot's of people were not happy about their marks and rightfully so, since in some scripts, getting 14/30 wasn't even justified. "Too many to point us" is really not an excuse to not to point out.

Geography, geography, geography! I scored 37/39 for the MCQ, which is awesome, especially since out of the two mistakes, one was careless and in another, I was clueless. Scored 72.5/100 for Paper 2, which was not what I expected, but I'll be thankful anyway, since I didn't really work hard this term. Combined score? 78.someshit. A1. *coughtopahemtopcough.*

After that was E.maths. Paper 1 was 74/80 and Paper 2 was 93/100. Oh yeah. I'm so glad I kept careless mistakes to a minimal. Another A1 baby! I like E.maths, in that even if you only study the night before and never practice you can still get high marks. I'm not trying to be an arrogant prick, but it's true. Ok, so I do pay attention in class, clarify things I don't understand and do my homework everyday, but seriously, that's enough.

Mother Tounge, well, I'm not interested in my MLB results. I passed. And that's all there is to know. I really have to broaden my vocabulary. Must watch Suria. Any good shows to reccomend? Anybody? Congrats to Raied for finally passing malay.

I scored 61 and 57 for both A.maths paper (which are out of 80), totalling 73.8%. Dissed man, I am. ALL my mistakes were careless. Can believe or not? I knew how to do all the questions, but got deducted 19+23=42. Jeez. If only man. There's so many "if only"s going around my head, but that's all they are. "What if" scenarios. Move on, beeyotch and let's play Pangya!

Although we didn't get back our Chemistry papers, we did get back our scores and I got an exact A2, which is 70.somestuff. Didn't expect me to do as well as this, since i'm always pessimistic about chemistry. It's just one of those subjects which you think you know but you never really do. As they say " For humans, enough is never enough".

Then sat for this Health Survey in the hall. There were lots of people. I've a theory; they chose me because they think I'm promiscous and engage in unhealthy activities. Or maybe i'm just there to pull down the average? Wth. Alot of stupid questions were asked about my school, friends, mental state, physical condition, substance abuse and sexual activity (or in my case, INACTIVITY). I was marginalised man, freaking marginalised. I couldn't do 6 whole pages just because I haven't been putting my Wii-ner (Nintendo Wii joke. Lawl) in anyone's mouth, vagina or anus, or have been letting anyone touch my Wii-ly. The unfairness of it all. I did feel bad when there was a question asked about from what sources do you get pr0n. There were three choices I think (internet, books, media) and I ticked them all -_-". We recieved this stack of post-its and you know what we do with post-its; try to stick it onto each other.

Had lunch at Dawson, and headed home. From what I've heard, Fat Shit Goh Ching Yong won a YEAR'S worth of FREE tution on ALL subjects. You are one lucky bitch, Ching Yong. Some of the best things in life are free, but so are the worst so let's all be wary.

Dreading the return of the physics paper tomorrow. Dreading with a capital D-E-A-D as in DrEADing.


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