Us and Other Than Us
I LOVE THE "RECOVER POST" OF BLOGGER! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU! My Firefox hangs whenever I used, and I just used it. The incident was no exception. Freaking Firefox hang, and I had to use the dreaded ctrl+alt+delete. If it wasn't for the "recover post" button, I'd have strangled my computer. This Firefox-hanging happened yesterday as well, hence, the lack of post.
How's the examinations been treating you? Gotten the blues yet? Screwed up anything yet? Good Luck Everyone!
Social Studies-DOWN
This was a pretty simple paper. But I don't think I'll score. Poor clock-management, really. Ok, maybe it's not all my fault. The harr (sp) has two crocks (sp), one on the right and another on the left. The two crocks (sp) were displaying different thymes (sp), and I had no idea which one we were following. I ended up following the slower one and when I thought I had 10 minutes, I had less than 5. They also didn't give us enough notices of the time. You know how usually the teacher goes "You have 5 minutes left" and the tension in the air fucking thickens? That didn't happen on this paper. They dropped the bomb-diggity-bomb-boom-bomb-bang on us and said "Time's up, put your pens and paper down". I'm so screwed for the source-based, since I rushed my last two answers. Let's keep our fingers crossed, why don't we?
E-maths Paper 1-DOWN
The paper had three degrees of difficulty; "simple", "very simple" and "can't remember". The questions asked were too easy. I don't know what the real standard for Elementary Maths is, but if it's as low as this, I've secured myself an A1. The "can't remember" difficulty are just questions where I forgot what the term was. Example: "Modal". It means "of relating to statistical mode". Then why didn't they call it "Model"? It's mind-boggling really.
Malay B Paper 1-DOWN
I admit, I've got problems with my Malay. It's not that I can't grasp the concept of the language, since the grammar is very similar to tagalog. It's just that my vocabulary is miniscule, and working on your vocabulary is HARD SHIT. How do you expand your word-bank? Through reading, watching shows, and talking the language, all of which I don't do. My lack of knowledge of Malay words bit my head off with a vengeance last Friday. Paper 1 is the compo. We have an hour to do EITHER a letter OR a narrative. The letter was too wordy, and I was afraid i'll misunerstand it, so I did the narrative. Narratives for the syllabus B has pictures. sweet primary school days...when I had pictures and helping words....when I was so round...excuse me. Anyway, here's the story: this boy is in a bird park. He's trying to touch this duck who was in a pond, but fell in it instead. A guy jumps in, rescues him, performs CPR and they all lived happily ever after. Simple enough, unless you have no idea what the hell 'park', 'touch', 'duck', 'pond', 'CPR' and 'gay paedophile who likes feeling little boys up' mean in Malay. *sigh*.
Geography Paper 2-DOWN
Geography, geography, geograpy. Initially, I was under the impression that this paper was this coming Friday, not the last. Imagine my fucking surprise when this fact hit me like a train. I chiong-ed Geography. Here's a confession; I like geography, find it more interesting than biology, and will grow up to become a geographist (is there such a thing?) one day and study the many volcanoes in the Philippines so that I can save the lives of the villagers who will othewise die in the path of the acidic lava. The thing I hate about our Geography exams is that even though you study two thick books, less than half of what you study will come out. The paper itself was more difficult that I predicted. Alot of case-studies (Answam Damn, Singapore High-tech Gardening, Malaysia Distribution), all of which I skipped. A few questions came out on naming volcanoes. Once again, my pinoy blood saved me. I...well....made up a few volcanoes here and there and slotted it in my answers. There was a question where we had to name a Volcanic Pipe or something. It was on the tip of my tongue...I knew it was "Devil's -blank-" Lots of names rolled in my mind; "Devil's Tombstone", "Devil's Finger", "Devil's Rune", "Devil's Horn", and eventually writing down "Devil's Tooth". Imagine my dismay when I found out it was something was called the "Devil's TOWER" -_-".
On Friday, after the Geography Exam, I decided to take relax for the rest of the afternoon. Intense mugging the previous day had me spent. Together with Alex, Chiu Mun, Darren, Glen and Nigel, we headed over to Bugis for lunch. Ate at Yoshinoya and they had levelled-up their student's meal. It now comes with fries! And it's still less than $4! Awesome! Nigel left us and we strolled to Suntec and caught Mission: Impossible 3, or as Glen said it to the counter lady, "EM EYE EYE EYE EYE". The movie rocked. Plenty of gadgets, explosions, well-executed plans and unexpected plot-twists. It got my blood pumping. I couldn't stand Tom Cruise though. The movie revolved around him. He's the main character, you say? True, but sometimes, you've got to focus on other characters, which the movie never did. The ending was fucked-up and nearly spoilte the whole movie. Tom Cruise had those...sort of...anime cliche where the lead (Pb. Lead Carbonate, Sulphate, Iodide and Chloride are all insoluble. Lead Iodide forms a yellow precipitate) draws out his "inner-power" to suddenly overcome the enemy. The way the antagonist died was a WTF-moment too. And Tom Cruise runs like a girl.
Walked around for abit and dropped by Times. We hung there for awhile. Lo-and-behold....they've made "Artemis Fowl" extreme! Well, not "extreme" more like "X-TREME!" And I won't call it "Artemis Fowl" anymore but "@r+em!$ f0wl" since it is so "X-TREME" now. It's so totally 133t.
Headed home and did A-maths at night. Finished up Chemistry yesterday and the sec 3 a-maths chapters. Today's going to be Chemistry, A-maths and Physics. Good luck everyone!
And it was the elections yesterday. Hope PAP wins. They've been doing their job well, and have been treating maids well. *random* A PAP member was interviewed rgarding the Worker Party's Gomez Fiaco. He was asked whether the reason they were making a fuss out of Gomez was because he was the only chink in their armour *random* Lawl at the irony.
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