Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Sweet 16

Sometime later in the year, I'll be relinquishing the title of "16-year-old".


But obviousness aside, looking back, what was the big deal in turning 16 anyways? The largest priveledge is the access to NC-16 movies. But, as my pre-16 years revealed, this can be easily by-passed, which is what I'll be talking about in today's blog post.

NC-16? Not a Problem

Solution #1
Some people can't stand the thought of going out with their parents at this age. However, if you really really DESPERATELY want to catch a movie, but are too young to catch it, go with your parents, or a respectable looking adult. Most cinemas respect an adult's authority. Stick out your tongue at the ushers even, they can't do shiat. At a push, this strategy may even get you into M-18 movies. Plus, you get free tickets, and popcorn.

The negative? If there are out-stretched nudes on screens, you can't stare as openly, and you have to pretend to be immune to adult sexual innuendoes.

Solution #2
Sneaking in isn't as hard as it's made out to be. Buy a ticket to one movie, and then make a switch to another one. Even better (and this is with the help of time management, hooray secondary school education!), manage your time well, and you can catch several movies at the same time, in a manouever known as cinema-hopping. Just make sure you don't get caught, though if your tongue is glib, you'll make it through.

The negative? The guilt baby, the guilt. And karma. Let's not forget that.

Solution #3
Dye your hair, and style it in a manner which will drive your Discipline Master into a comma. Movie-ticket-checker will think you're a poly student, and let you in without problem.

The negative? You got school either the next day, or after the weekends. Can you dye your hair b(l)ack by then?

Solution #4
This is...really underhanded. You know how each cinema has a seperate exit which leads to somewhere out of the way? Find out where that's located. Those doors are most likely one-way out, and no-way-in. Have a friend who's 16 buy one ticket and go in by himself. Once he's in, let him open the afore-mentioned exit, and ta-da, you've got a free movie. It has worked before; I speak from experience.

The negative? Cameras. Make sure they're not around. And the guilt, again, the guilt. Personally, I won't be able to do it, but for those with the sial...then by all means, be my guess.

Solution #5
This is cinema specific. If you're in Cine, and you've got a limitted number of ICs, go get a few tickets from upstairs, then rush down and get a few tickets downstairs, using the same set of ICs, and wala. Bonus for Cine is that they aren't strict with their checks, so just put on a (--_) serious face, and you'll breeze through.

Of course, you can just borrow IC from a stranger, but...ohs wells.

Solution #6
Sit outside the cinema and wait. For how long? Until your 16.

Yeap, patience is a virtue, but ingenuity saves you a hell lot of time, so to hell with waiting.


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