Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm here!

And I'm here! And I haven't gone anywhere? So why?

Anyways! I was playing Pokemon on the bus the other day, on my way home from another exhausting investiture rehearsal (it's this Monday! Goodbye LBB, or should I say LBM for Luminous Badge MEN), and I read something interesting in the Canclave Library:

The Original Story

In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos. At the heart of the chaos, where all things became one, appeared an egg. Having tumbled from the vortex, the Egg gave rise to the Original One.

From itself, two beings the Original One did make. Time started to spin. Space began to expand.

From itself again, three living things the Original One did make.

The two beings wished, and from them, matter came to be. The three livings things wished, and from them, spirit came to be. The world, created, the Original One took to unyielding sleep...

Wow. Fascinating, isn't it? The Pokemon world was created by a Pokemon GOD. Kinda cool, how this game, which is clearly arousing paganism and shyte, are being played by young children all over the world, who are totally oblivious to the influence. Or maybe I'm only thinking this because I'm mature enough to be aware. What the hat lah, but I can imagine someone in the Pokemon world worshiping a statue of a Pokemon...and then a mob will come with fire and brimstone.

"Burn that witch,"

So anyways, if you think this was weird, you should play further into the game. Team Galaxy, the latest reincarnation of organized villains, have realized that our Earth is DYING, and we're running low on energy. They realised that when Pokemons evolve, life is basically generated. At first they experimented on different Pokemons (check the evolved form of Tangela, Lickuting, etc), but the experimentations only granted limited results. And so, it plans to reawaken the God pokemon (He's called Arceus btw), to generate more evolutions, and harness that energy to SAVE THE WORLD.

My mind just got blown.


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