Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Numero Uno

I've changed my blog title~~! Because the previous one didn't make a whole lot of sense, and this one fits my personality better, I think, since I'm under the constant impression that the world revolves around me. And it ryhmes too, so it's a piece of poetry, or someshit.

"Rock On!"

I haven't updated properly since...Tuesday I think. It's not that there isn't worth anything updating. On contraire (is this expression correct?), there was alot of stuff to write yet no time to do so. So here is a brief run-down of my days past.

Wednesday:No spot-check+Geography Test and reading a lot of manga. Things happened in school, funny things, but it escapes me right now -_-" I had the time to update, but for some reason, I forgot.
Thursday: No spot-check+Drama Session+Prefect's Bonding Games+Dinner at BK+getting our class-tees and other things I can't recall fully.
Friday: Still no spot-check+end of school+a whole lot of happenings.

Since Friday was the day before today (ie, yesterday), everything's still fresh, so let's type it out, why don't we?

So, it's the last day of school, and nobody was in the mood to get any studying done. But THEY had to, seeing how Monday is THEIR CHINESE O-Levels. Good luck to all of them, and once again, I'm the winner, since I'm taking MLB.

So Chinese....how do you prepare for it? (A Pinoy dispensing tips on how to prepare for Chinese...get real). Well, memorise some ChengYu, or whatever you call those 4-letters idioms. They add marks to your composition, and make you sound smarter than you actually are, so why not? Don't try too hard though. Use one wrongly and you've shoved your elbow into your ass (ouch). Next, practice comprehension. People say that this is useless, since the passage will be different, but I say "Fuck you". The questions will roughly be similar, and it will help you to get the hang of finding answers. Lastly, read model essays, something I do in English compositions. It gives you the points you need to write, and as such, you won't have to think so much, and the chances of you going out of point is significuntly less.

A yo-yo craze has caught the guys of 4A. Can you do the "Roller Coaster", "Loop-the-Loop", "Around the world", "Walk the dog", "Rock the baby" and "Milk the Cow"? I bet not, and neither can we, but that's never going to stop us from trying. Sudden burst of craziness like this always catches our class. We've had FunBound, GeyBlades, Magic: The WastingOfMoney, MarioKart and more to come. Who's up for CrushGear? I still have my Garuda Phoenix and Shooting Phantom from 4 years ago and they're ready to let it rip...wait a minute that's beyblade...ahh..

Physics and then Chemistry. We had a surprise test for Chemistry on the chapter which requires mugging, which nobody had mugged before. Thank god all the questions were common-sense. We've been having "Western" for recess the past few days. You know, the new stall which doesn't sell proper food. Prata+mushroom soup, pasta+chicken, prata+chicken, disgusting yellow rice+prata. Some of the things they sell aren't bad actually. I'm quite fond of their pasta and their prata+chicken gravy/cream of mushroom. "Western Stall", you're prata and pasta gets my seal of approval. The rest of your food can just...let's not talk about the rest of your food, since it's mean to insult food.

Social Studies, E-maths. SInce it was Glenn Lum's birthday, he went a wee-bit crazy. He submitted homework, but they're not really homework since it's just a bunch of swigly lines. I'll scan it as soon as he gets it back, or after I learn to use the scanner. I'll scan it together with the "Gospel of Lum", and then we'll put it in a "special" container and bury it somewhere. Thousands of years from now, "scinetists" are going to find it, and it's going to contradict everythign they now, just like the Gospel of Judas. Paper>Scissors WTF?!?!

At the last period, we got back our report books. And it goes how? Percentage: 75%. Class Position: 1/39. Level Position: 1/143. This means that I won't be getting first in the Prelims, but this also guarantees that I'll be in the running for the first in O-levels. There exists a sort-of custom/tradition/history/ritual (they're all the same, despite what a comprehension paper tells you) where if you get 1st for one term, you won't get 1st in the next. Nobody is sure of what the logic behind this it, but ths has proven to be true in school all over Singapore (or so I claim). So, if this logic is correct, I predict that I won't be first in the Prelims. Wait a minute, was that a prediction or...an excuse? See how, I guess.

Took a couple of pictures after school, as well as a class one and cut the cake for Glenn Lum's birthday. Happy Birthday to him! You're sixteen! Bitching~~ ! Can watch The Vinci Code riao?

My bag was awfully heavy. We had to empty the cabinet of all our stuff, and inside the cabinet, i've got more than 5 files, and NINE VOLUMES OF GETBACKERS MANGA. How to go home like that siah? Thank god for Glenn, who borrowed the manga, and thus, relieving me of the torture of having to lug it home.

We diverged and converged once more at Plaza Singapura, with some of the 4a guys. Met up with HAO YANG! Welcome back to Singapore, mate! His hair's so bright, and his style's so jap, and his guitar's so cool, and he's got an Australian's BLOODY accent! Squee. After months down under, he's back, finally, to wreak a month's worth of havoc. Praise thee, almighty god.

We went to Peace Center, which everyone calls Paradiz/Selegie Center, but isn't Paradiz/Selegie Center but is actually Peace. Played LAN for the first time in months, but it's enough to cover me for the next couple of 'em. 4 hours of gaming...I feel like such a computer geek. 3 hours of Defense of the Asians (DOTA) and an hour worth of CounterStrike. I was a total n00b in DOTA. I learned a bucket's worth of new terms like "farming" (means killing creeps really fast), "stun" (I got stunned a few times and subsequently, killed), "care" (short for "mind your ass") and "feeder" (someone who gives away free frag, for example, me). Raynard and Elgin owned, Bernard was looking at my screen and killing me, Andrian was shouting alot, Yan Shan was everywhere, Ching Yong was the KS king, Kar Wai (Choo Jia Han) sucks balls, Hao Yang left half-way, Ivan came but didn't play, and me, Ringo and TahNern were at the bottom of the ScoreBoard (Reverse the order I typed our names, and you get the bottom three). It's fun, and I feel like playing again, but I promise I won't because it's bloody time-consuming. One hour for one game. Crazy man. I'd rather play 18 holes of Pangya with Primary 5 kids. CounterStrike was fun. Ching Yong, being a member of a clan called "BEEF" (Lawl) was the most pro. Andrian seemed pro only because he was looking at my screen and stalking and back-stabbing me for free frags.

Headed for dinner and got Nasi Lemak which was reviewed in a Chinese Magazine I've never heard of (according to the saleslady). Ching Yong, or "Chee Yang" as the ladies called him, was telling us stories again. Do you know that if you spell "Xu Su" backwards...it adds a totally new dimension to the name? Amazing.

And then I panicked.


And I bloody ran (flashback to American Idol, the Clay Aiken look-alike running for the toilet). To the Lan-shop. Gave a brief explanation to the lady at the counter (Looked at her and winked) and headed in. Thank HEAVENNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My handphone was still there! Right where I left it! It's probably because it's black and the place was really dark or maybe the game was on the com I previously occupied was too absorbed in the game to notice the awesomtitude of the handphone in front of him. I am so relieved.

When I picked it up, the phone was ringing. I looked at it..."Ringo" the Caller ID read. Thanked him mentally, but decided to play a harmless trick. I answered the phone, made my voice this DEEP and said "HELLLO" in a voice so deep, you'd think I'd gone through puberty three-times-over. Lol, I said hello thrice and put it down. Lol. The guys fucking ran to the Lan-shop. Lol. I presume to look for the guy who had "stolen" the phone. I'm sorry for the trick, and thanks a bunch for being a great group of friends.

So we headed home, around 10++, because we played arcade for awhile. I played Guitar Freaks V2 with Raynard and owned him flat-flat. Here's the new ranking: Raymond>Raynard>everybody from the previous list. Awesome display from the Ronald, considering it was his first time.

Plans for the day? Undecided, but might be dropping by Queenstown for awhile. Mugging through the afternoon and night, and jogging later at around 12, in the gym of course.


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