Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Who's the impersonator?

ClayAiken Version 2.0. He's gained weight! He looks so darn chubby in the video! And check out his hair~!~! I preferred the older Clay but that's just me.

On other Idol news: Congrats to Taylor Hicks for winning . He deserved it...considering the fact that Hick-ups>McPheever.

With the conclusion of American Idol, we've got Singapore Idol, season 2. Too much, too soon, I say. Singapore doesn't have enough talent to fuel such Singapore Idol, especially with the onslaught of all the other crap reality shows. We're not like America, where they've got a ginormous pool of undiscovered talents, and googolplex of states to gallavant around. We don't have enough talents, and watching the second season just proved this. Talents were few and far between, and were so raw. Also, the funny-ness is gone, it's just lame and trying. The malay cowboy and the chink rapper? Super lame, yet they made such a big fuss about 'em. The only funny segment was the "nong-nong" guy, but that's just me.

To get back my reading programme on track (a book a week) I'm reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. It's very much like "The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-time", in that both the protagonists are authistics, and are trying to solve a mystery, and in doing so, has to come out from their shell. Like Christopher, Oskar has his own quirks which I've grown to love...like how he says my "boots are getting heavier" whenever he feels depressed. Oskar's dead has just died in the 9/11, and in the book, he undertakes a journey to find something his dad has left behind. This book is full of pictures, pages from Oskar's scrapbook. Some of the pictures holds significance to the story while some are random (turtle on turtle sex wtf?). The prose style is superb, and it's not just told from Oskar's perspective, but about from his Grandfather (whom he is named after) and his Grandmother (who is senile) as well.

I'm only a quarter way through the book, but I've already fallen in love with it.

If you like to read, then read this book.


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