Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Plans; Foiled

I started this morning with the most positive outlook in life, ever. You see, my Wednesdays start with 2 hour break, in which I was planning on an uncontrolled and phenomenally helpful session of studying. But alas, council had me blowing up balloons instead. At least we came up with a cheer to do while...*ahem*.

Anyways, plans to study...foiled!

And then it was after school; my Honour's Night duty only had me reporting at 4:30, so from 1:30 until then, I had plans to study. But again, I got called up to help do balloons. Damnit, damnit all! Gah.

Plans to study...foiled!

And at night...I had carpark duty until 7:30, and line-in article to write, which had me sitting through the whole of Honour's Night up to 9. Gah.

Plans to study...foiled!

So now, I'm studying. I'm planning to pull out all the stops tonight and finish as much stuff as I humanely can. I'm thinking of not going to school tomorrow, but that's not integrious.

And yes, I just made that word up.


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