Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

An Aside

First off, Valentines Day was wonderful; I was nervous and stressed at first, but now that it's done and over with, I didn't really have much to worry about. I'll give an update tomorrow since it's getting late.

Secondly, Izzad's on The Dance Floor. If you caught it, or even if you didn't, please do sms D4 at 32623 to vote. Voting ends tomorrow evening, so if everybody pools in, I'm sure they'll pull through. They weren't bad though there were 2 groups better than them. However, Izzad's been a school-mate of mine for the past 4 years, and I'm planning to give my support. Dancing seems to be his passion, so I'll support him.

Anyways, the thing I want to address today is comments; more specifically, comments on other people's relationships.

If you've got positive comments, then feel free to give them. But if you've got negative ones, there's a more tactful approach rather than just laying it out like that. Because those are your impressions you may have formed from either observation or hearsays, and you're not in the shoes of the couple. I suggest that if you got a negative comment, then first, ask how the relationship is going. If it's good, then leave it at that. If it's bad, then ask why, and proceed to give advice, or whatever.

Because getting negative feedback and , especially when you think everything's so perfect, is an awful damper, especially on this particular day. Even if I'm on off the ground, you don't have to bring me down, because feeling "high" is never a bad thing.

Sigh. I don't know lah. I don't like it when people step on what I believe in. I'm not trying to address specific people; but just a general note to everyone lah.

See you when I see you.


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