Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My Pet Peeve

You know what I hate?

When people say, after having laid out my points in defending somebody, that I'm biased.

Oohh...I'm BIASED. What's new? Of course, I'm biased! If I wasn't biased, then I wouldn't be supporting a particular side in the first place! It seems so retarded; after you've listed out your points so carefully...some people comes in and says "YOU'RE BIASED!". It seems like it's Obvious Day at Camp Stupid.

I mean to say, what does saying that add to the argument/discussion? At the end of the day, I've listed out my points, and someone saying "I'm biased" rebutts none of them.

And since the people call me biased, then so are they: biased against me.

PS: I'm not referring to any particular incidences; It's just a random thought. I'm sorry for the lack of postings! But I'll get back things on track sooner or later.

PSS: My time-table's crap. Take Monday, for example. Technically, I've got no lessons ater 11:10, but because I'm only allowed to leave premises at 1:10, I have to stay there and rot. Worst thing's that most of the people from OG are having lessons I'm not having. Sigh. I'll hit the gym and pump up the Bhangra.

PSSS: I'm taking Knowledge and Inquiry! Whether it holds relevance to my future, I don't know. It's a pre-requisite; if I intend to become a Lawyer. It's one of my dream jobs; so, to keep that avenue open, I've taken KI. As a result, I don't have to take any H1, nor GP, so I've got less periods than before. I'll usually cheer, but this time...



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