Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Not TAF Enough?

No more TAF programme?

I say bullshit. TAF helps. I'm a product of the Trim And Fit programme; It may have taken lotsa years to take effect, but at least it did, and I'm all the better for it.

Upon reaching home, I grabbed the Digital Life section and turned to Blogosphere. I harboured secret (not anymore) dreams of seeing my words on it's pages, but not today. What I got instead was news of most horrible proportions. The TAF programme is to be abolished indefinitely.

C'mon...it got worse as I read the "arguments" offered too. These are far from being personal attacks...just issues I have with the points brought up.

-Bad Memories
The blogger cited TAF Club as a reason for being teased by his classmates. But, c'mon, common snese cites that it is because you are FAT that you are being teased: TAF Club has nothing to do with anything; it is trying to HELP, and I see no good reason to pin the blame on it when all the blame should go to whoever. It worked for me, so I suggest you take a look at the differences between you and me, and see how you can improve.

-It didn't help
It may not have helped you, but it did help some people, and the only reason it didn't help you is because you didn't work hard enough, or are not following the advice of the teachers. No teachers ask the students to eat in an unhealth manner: they ask the students to eat healthily, and in appropriate amounts. If you did that, and exercised, even a little, you would have experienced weight loss. If it didn't help, it's not their fault: it's yours.

-It was torture
I don't see how this is a bad thing. If it helps the students, then it can't be too much of a bad thing. It may be boring and repetitive, but just like everything good for you, you have to WORK towards the goal; just like studying, and in sports: You do countless drills, and assesments, and get results. Why can't that apply here? And if students hate them, then all the more reason they should exercise hard so as to get OUT.

Let's look at the ADVANTAGES of TAF:
-It's a group effort. You're never alone in your exercises; go on, push each other.
-Regular monitoring of students.
-Allows for regular exercise; routine is an important ingridient to success.
-Gives material incentive, at least in my secondary school.

Even if the TAF programme is abolished, the fat people are still fat. And now, it's even harder to get them to exercise. I'm certain there will be talks held, and if these group of overweight individuals come together...it's TAF all over again, just under another name.

Sigh, I mourn for the next generation.


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