Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Pressures of an Open Sky

Orientation 2 totally swept past me. It wasn't as fun as the first time around; but it was fun nonetheless. Loads of people weren't there, and drat, cause I considered some of them good friends too.

Well, at least there were new people in; six supposedly, but one didn't turn up, another (Joyce) left half-way through to NJC (congrats, if you're reading this) and another was on permanent dental...whatever that means. So, there's Emery, Jaime, Veronica and Sylvia; 4 girls to fill the void left by a whole bunch of people

NOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't we all just stay together :(? Screw this lah; I wasn't sad before, but I'm getting depressed as I type this, realising the number of people who are gone, and that I might not be able to see them again.

Anyways, we didn't play much gays, and more then a needed-amount of time was spent stoning, but still, OG-Time at Settlers was good, and the camp fire was a blast; Mass dance to the power of 9000!

IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nevermind. Anime joke. Scratch that.

I've got the next slightly-under two years of AC to look forward to; I've got no CCA now, so I'm at a dilemna at that end.

CCA's I've been considering:
-Dragonboat (I'm afraid of water, but I'm hoping their training can toughen my body up)
-Hockey (Hari and Naveen are inside, so it should be fun)
-Debate (Jeremy's in, and I've always had a flair for it, so why not?)
-CIP Committee (Don't ask)
-Student's Council.

Top on my list right now is Council, but I'm still not sure. I mean, school populations OVER 9000!!!!!!! I meant, it's over 900, so what're the chances of me being part of a Council consisting around 50 people?

Why Council? I think I've got the right state of mind to lead, and I don't want to waste that. I'm staying in AC, so I'm determined to make the best out of my remaining time here, and contribute to the school as much as I can. For what point? It's a sense of community, I belong here, and what more reason do I need? With my own hands, I'll shape it, mould it, and be part of it, which was my philosophy in Queenstown.

It's pretty universal.


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