Raymond Angelo is the Exoticoption.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Epitome Of Fitness.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Endorsed by Raymond Angelo

Hi everyone.

Wasn't intending to doublepost today, but apparently, Glen Wirawan, my secondary school friend was entered into a Mr Clorets contest by his sister, and by some twist of fate, he made it into the finals. Please, do vote for him at the following link: www.radio913.com. Speaking as his friend for quite a few years, I can safely say from the bottom of my heart that he's a genuinely nice dude, and he deserves your vote.

I'm Raymond Angelo, and I approve of this message.

Picture edit OH SNAP!:

From Jiaw's blog: www.mrbva.blogspot.com.

So hot, I don't need to warm up.

Disclaimer: Feel free to share this. I only typed out the population and urban questions, because as easy as it looks, I'm not touching globalisation. It's easy, but I that's a discovery I made only a few days ago...too close for comfort. Oh, and I typed only up to RJC. I may edit again, but it's comprehensive enough of a list, I think. Truth be told, the questions are very very far-ranging. I tried to arrange it to an extent...but yeah, they're very broad. And what came to light too is the different teaching styles the schools seem to have. It's very clear some schools emphasized on certain areas our school didn't, so suddenly, I'm feeling quite scared.

Before the list; I've got a hell-schedule next week. Monday is Physics, then Econs, then Econs, then Geography. Globalisation's outta the way. I finished micro and Population today. Tomorrow will be macro and Urban. Monday morning will be all Physics. Monday evening, all the way to Tuesday morning will be Econs. Tuesday evening all the way to Wednesday evening will be Human Geog.

Almost there!


-Describe and explain the factors that influence fertility. (9m) CJC

-With reference to examples, explain how the use of contraception is key to controlling fertility rates. (9m) NJC

-Discuss how proximate determinants of fertility have affected the demography of a country you have studied. (16m) NYJC

-‘Capitalism is the best for of contraception’. To what extent do you agree that economic growth is the most important factor in reducing fertility rates in a country?

-Identify the factors which may help explain how epidemics and infectious diseases may affect countries differently. (9m) RJC

-Using examples, explain how political and cultural barriers may operate as constraints to the acceptance and integration of migrants. (9m) AJC

-To what extent do you agree that transnational migrants are usually beneficial to both sending and receiving countries? (16m) AJC/MI/MJC

-‘Globalisation has increased the flow of transnational migrants and the complexity of their movement,” Assess the extent to which this is true for migratory flows you have studied. (16m) HCI

-Describe and explain the trends in migrations of people in recent years. (9m) HCI

-Using examples, explain how transnational migration may be influenced by political and cultural factors. (9m) IJC

-Describe and account for the changing nature of migration since the 1960s. (9m) JJC

-Discuss the factors which influence a person’s migrability. (9m) MI

-With reference to an example, describe and explain the socioeconomic differentials that exist within a country. (9m) CJC

-To what extent do you agree that governments are effective in controlling and managing population growth? (16m) AJC/HCI

-Assess the need for forecasting of population changes and the role of the government in population planning. (16m) DHS

-Discuss the roles of population structures in population forecasting and planning. (9m) DHS

-Discuss the challenges of increasing dependency ratios to governments. (16m) CJC

-Assess the social and economic consequences for families and for the state when most couples have only one or two children. (16m) MI

-Evaluate the success of government policies in countering an ageing population. (16m) RJC

-Explain the need for, and the problems of, population forecasting at the national scale with references to a country or countries. (9m) MI

-A recent demographic survey by the UN cut down the estimates of population in 2050. Discuss the validity of this statement with reference to recent population trends. (16m) IJC

-What factors may affect the timing of the demographic transition experienced by different countries? Use examples to support your answer. (9m) AJC/MJC

-Explain the hedonist and conservationist view in population-resource relationships. (9m) DHS/IJC

-Discuss how global variations in resource use and societal change affect population-resource relationships and sustainable development. (16m)

-With the aid of examples, comment on the view that population growth stimulates the development of technology which will utilize resource more efficiently. (16m) AJC

-Explain the key concepts of Malthus’ theory of population change. (9m) HCI

-To what extent are population pyramids useful in helping governments to formulate relevant policies to curb future problems in their countries? (16m) IJC

-Japan’s National Institute of Population has predicted the population will be extinct by the year 3387. To what extent do you agree that such predictions are of limited value? (16m) MJC

-With reference to population resource theories, evaluate the view that the current world food production would be adequate to feed the world population. (16m) NJC


-With reference to examples from both DCs and LDCs, explain the formation of the inner city. (9m) AJC

-Distinguish between counter-urbanisation, sub-urbanisation, and re-urbanisation. (9m) CJC

-Compare the current urbanization trends in DCs with those in LDCs. (9m) NJC

-Discuss the impacts of rapid urbanization. (9m) NJC

-With reference to examples from DCs, evaluate the economic, social and environmental consequences of decentralization. (16m) CJC

-Describe the operation of centrifugal and centripetal forces in the central city and explain why these forces occur. (9m) HCI

-Using examples, discuss the challenges that urban planners in megacities face. (16m) AJC/HCI/IJC

-Urbanisation in LDCs typically focuses on the main or capital city. Do you agree? (16m) AJC

-Using examples, explain how historical factors and government planning can influence urban structure. (9m) MJC

-Using examples, explain the influence of the global economy/globalization on urban structures/central cities. (9m) AJC/IJC/MJC

-Explain how functional urban zoning influences the nature of the central city and industrial location in urban areas. (9m) DHS

-Using annotated diagram(s), evaluate the usefulness and applicability of the bid-rent theory to explaining city lay-outs in both DCs and LDCs. (9m) MI

-To what extent does improved accessibility help explain the recent changes in the locations of the main retailing, industrial and residential zones in a city? (16m) MI

-With reference to one or more located examples, discuss how bid-rent theory is of limited use in explaining the land-use patterns in cities. (9m) RJC

-Assess the range of public and private initiatives used in urban regeneration. (16m) CJC

-With reference to examples, assess the success of different strategies for reimaging in cities. (16m) DHS/HCI/RJC

-‘Only economic growth can reduce inequalities in cities.’ Does this position conflict with principles of sustainable urban development? Evaluate. (16m) NJC

-Illustrating with examples, critically evaluate the priorities that are likely to influence the future form of cities in DCs. (16m) MJC

-With reference to one or more examples of urban areas, assess the success of inner-city redevelopment schemes. (16m) NJC

-To what extent do you agree that urban transport problems are highly-correlated to the economic development of the city? (16m) RJC

-Outline the challenges faced by authorities in the management of transport problems in urban areas. (9m) DHS

-Assess the effectiveness of management strategies used to reduce transport problems. (16m) HCI

-Discuss the problems faced by inner-cities and explain the causes of these problems. (9m) CJC

-Discuss the extent of social problems within urban areas in LDCs, and MDCs. (16m) DHS/MI

-‘Community involvement is the most effective way to ameliorate urban housing problems,’ Evaluate the validity of this statement. (16m) IJC

-With reference to specific examples, discuss the issues related to social and ethnic segregation in urban areas in Developed Countries. (16m) IJC

-Describe the factors that may lead to socio-economic segregation within cities. (9m) MI/RJC

-Using examples outline the causes of housing problems in cities of DCs and critically examine the attempts to overcome such problems. (16m) MJC

-Describe the challenges of living in large cities and assess the responses to these challenges. (16m) NYJC

Friday, November 07, 2008

Major Minor

I was going to say alot of stuff, but looking at this photo, I find myself speechless, in the most positive sense of the word. The election of Barack Obama will bring lasting change to the United States, and the future is filled with hope, and dreams. As a minority myself, Obama's elections has solidified my belief that...race doesn't really matter, know? Because I've always been a minority, and in a sense, even if I go back to the Philippines, I'll still be a minority, and so...oops, train of thought lost.

Hope you get my drift anyways.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Thinking about my past and all my possible futures.

I wanted to reach school before 8 today, and then do a full GP essay to simulate Monday but it's raining soooooooo hard over here you won't believe it. It feels like apocalypse. There's thunder, lightning, darkness, and endless streams of water-bullets dropping from the sky.

Wah sian like this how to do my simulation....

Anyways, will be in school today, and most probably tomorrow. Today's my final push-push, and tomorrow's my relaxed push. I don't think any studying can go on much on Monday because I'll be brain-dead after GP and Geog. With Wednesday and Thursday, I'll be chionging Math Paper 2s, and get a head start on my Human Geog and Econs, both of which I haven't touched much.

I almost can't believe that it's here, but it is, and yesterday, as I went home, I realize that the results, as much as it matters, is beyond my control and that my abilities and preparations can only take me so far. Sometimes, you just got to believe.

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